
Superfoods - Garlic

Client: Group M Entertainment / Bearkatt Productions – for Yahoo
Director: Roger Pomphrey (R.I.P.)
Executive Producer: Denise Castelli

Graphics, Online, Grade: Lem Lawrence using Smoke for GFX and online & Lustre for Grade
Offline Editor: Clive de Souza

This is one of 20 x 4 minute videos made for Yahoo to feature on their lifestyle channel. Chef Ricky Andalcio presents this mini-series aimed at getting people to eat healthily, easily. Not only does Ricky show you the science behind good food, he also demonstrates tasty and easy to make recipes using each ingredient. Various facts pop up throughout the show in a flip-down method showing some of the benefits of the superfoods. Also 20 x bespoke endings to the titles were created (Stills designed by Rob Pratt).

Copyright Yahoo 2013